What are some business model strategies for retailers to remain competitive?

Retailing business is that of a logistics. Primarily a retailer provides space (with the right ambience) to larger/manufacturing/importing/distributing companies to place their products.

There can be many different models constructed to make a retail environment tick. What you must know is two things:

  1. What kind of products do you understand and can provide the best ambience to customers in that specific location to make it easy and comfortable for them to buy.
  2. What are the different locations where there is a similar demand and I have the power to set up there.

If you have a solid answer to these two questions, your next step will be to identify the following:

  1. What will you have to do to make sure you are able to meet and exceed the targets set by the principal company you are retailing for?
  2. What kind of resources you will need to hit the targets and exceed and how many resources?
  3. What will be the resultant cost to do this?
  4. How much revenue will you earn?

If you are smartly able to execute operations by keeping the cost low and yet be effective in moving products off the shelves whilst making profits you desire. You have got the model right.

Hope this helps



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